Our activities on the one hand result from the requirements of applicable law and on the other hand from our own initiatives. 

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Health and safety

Employees safety and health

In our business, safety and health at work is very important. We operate in accordance with external regulations, such as laws and regulations relating to health and safety. We also have internal guidelines.


Each company in our Group manages occupational health and safety issues separately. Dedicated specialists who usually work in specially established for that purpose departments are responsible for those issues. Company’s Social Labour Inspectors operate in selected companies such as MEC Piła.


  • Central Processing Unit of Health and Safety Service in Enea Serwis,
  • Labour Protection Office in which Senior OHS Inspector supported by OHS Specialist are employed in Enea Oświetlenie,
  • Manager of Labour Protection Office in Enea Operator.

Find out what are health and safety activities and learn about our results

Our activities on the one hand result from the requirements of applicable law and on the other hand from our own initiatives. As such, the most important activities in the field of occupational health and safety include:

  • hazards identification and occupational risk assessment,
  • monitoring of working conditions,
  • corrective and preventive actions in the health and safety area,
  • health and safety trainings,
  • internal communication in the health and safety area,
  • identification and implementation of legal requirements and other external, health and safety, requirements (Labour Code and Rules of Procedure).

From trainings to competitions, our health and safety initiatives

Scale and number of our actions taken in 2014 clearly shows that safety and health of our employees is of particular importance to us.

  • Workplaces: attention to ergonomic workplaces (i.e. replacement of worn out office chairs in Enea Centrum),renovations, freshening up individual workplaces, inspections and maintenance jobs, modernization of the control room in the Kosice boiler house (MEC Piła)
  • Equipment: provision of Enea Operator employees with high-quality equipment and tools for live-line working, equipping brigades of electricians with protective equipment that improves safety and purchase of additional first –aid kits, issuing to employees repellents in a period of increased insect activity; introduction of 181 sets of equipment for electricians in Enea Serwis, equipment of a workshop with welding table with exhaust system (MPEC Białystok)
  • Control: verification of equipment technical condition, measuring of the fire protection effectiveness and equipment insulation (Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK), veryfication of first-aid kits (Enea Serwis), 143 controls within compliance with the terms and conditions of health and safety on construction sites (in Enea Serwis)
  • Drawing up instructions and analysis of legal changes: ‘Instructions of live-line working on high voltage systems’ in Enea Operator and a central register of non-compliance in order to facilitate employees to report observed non-compliance in Enea Wytwarzanie
  • Trainings: initial and periodic health and safety, first aid, fire trainings (i.e. training with fire extinguishers attended by about 300 employees in Enea Centrum)
  • Trial evacuation: i.e. at Enea Centrum at Dziadoszańska Str. and at Enea SA seat at Górecka 1 Str. in Poznań
  • Actions and competitions: Energy Knowledge Competition ‘1 of 10,000’ after Paweł Balcerowski - edition 2014, ‘Spring inspection of protecting equipment against falls from heights’ action carried out by Enea Serwis, leaflets issue informing visitors and employees of external companies about the possibility of risks in the company (Enea Wytwarzanie), Competition "1 of 10,000" for employees of the entire Capital Group concerning labour law, health and safety, first aid and energy industry itself (Enea SA)
  • Health care: organization by the company’s clinic health screening action (Enea Wytwarzanie), providing employees with opportunities for active leisure, i.e. football team of Enea Logistyka employees.

Total number of injuries and injury rate in the companies of ENEA Capital Group in 2014

CompanyNumber of injuriesInjury frequency rate
Enea SA 1 3.65
Enea Wytwarzanie 5 2.13
MEC Piła 1 7.14
PEC Oborniki 0 0
MPEC Białystok 9 19.2
Enea Operator 34 8.02
Enea Trading 0 0
Enea Centrum 6 4.63
Enea Serwis 11 17.66
Enea Logistyka 2 13.9
Enea Oświetlenie 1 8.55
Enea Pomiary 1 5.5
Hotel Edison 0 0
Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK 3 40
Energo-Tour 0 0