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Social investments

Aside from supporting social initiatives and engaging employees, we’ve been operating for the benefit of local communities for years, by organizing competitions and participating in historical or educational campaigns. Get to know our initiatives.

‘In contact with electricity’ competition

It is a competition to which we invited schools. Its aim was to promote knowledge of the safe use of electricity, as well as to promote green habits. The contestants' task was to document various forms of events related to environmental initiatives implemented by the school. Thus, we encouraged children and young people to practice the art of writing, photography and film. The winners were awarded with modern multimedia boards, and we prepared interactive meetings for them.

Education on energy infrastructure

Enea Operator takes part in the initiative counteracting the devastation of energy infrastructure – ‘INVINCIBLES. Infrastructure protection’. The Company informs through the media about the effects and extent of the theft and devastation of energy infrastructure (cooperation with i.e. Radio Merkury, Radio ZET, TOK FM, Polskie Radio, telewizja WTK, TVP Poznań, TVP Szczecin, Głos Wielkopolski, Kurier Lubuski, CIRE,, TV Asta, EXTRA Wałcz).

We take patronage over technical schools

Decrease of interest in technical and vocational education among youth as well as a need to rejuvenate technical employees inspired Enea Operator Management Board to create a program supporting the education and development of future electricians and power engineers. The first result of the cooperation were officially signed agreements with the Electrical School Complex No. 1 named after Henryk Zygalski in Poznań.

Help for people in need

Enea Logistyka organized a collection for the ill daughter of the company’s employee.

Participation in events and local initiatives

  • Action ‘Pin a bow’! - an annual initiative to celebrate the Wielkopolska Uprising and the promotion of knowledge about it.
  • Multimedia competition ‘Show history - Wielkopolska Uprising 1918-1919’. Competition was organized for the students of Wielkopolska middle and high schools for the 96th anniversary of the outbreak of the Wielkopolska Uprising.
  • Organization of the industry trade show for local authorities by Enea Oświetlenie, during which key issues concerning lighting and other energy topics were discussed, and which also served the exchange of experiences between local authorities and the energy sector.
  • Cooperation with the Provincial Police Headquarters in Poznań and State Forests which consists of carrying out joint patrols aimed at preventive monitoring of the area for thieves and vandals spoiling life to power engineers and foresters.